Monday, April 4, 2016

11:58 PM
Nissan Hardbody Parts - One horsepower (hp) actually equals 550 foot-pounds per second, which is the power needed to lift 550 pounds one foot off the ground in one second, or one pound 550 feet up in one second? Horsepower is the unit of measure for an engine's power, and is a common car term that many people do not know the actual meaning of. Come to think of it, how many people really know how a car engine works? Obviously, there are variations between car engines depending on the make, model, and year of the car, and just in case... "make" is who made the car (i.e. Honda, Chrysler, Chevrolet), "model" is the characteristic, well, model (i.e. Civic, Challenger, Camaro), and the "year" is literally the year it came off the assembly line.

Engines are most commonly represented by the number of cylinders they have (usually 4, 6, or 8) and their shape. Both machine efficiency and space efficiency determine the shape of the engine (e.g. a V shape and 6 cylinders in a V6 engine) and accordingly the placement of the cylinders. The cylinder is where liquid gasoline is burned and power is generated. In general, more cylinders mean a more powerful engine, although the size of the cylinder is also a factor. It is worth noting here that there are some steps (like what happens after ignition) that are controlled by computer (your vehicle has programming). This is what happens with modernization and increasingly sophisticated technology, but definitely was not always the case. Everything in your car used to function through some mechanical process rather than computer direction.

Inside each cylinder is a piston. Fuel injection is the mechanism by which the liquid gasoline is measured and, well, injected under pressure (a fuel/air mixture) into the cylinder. From the ignition sequence, an electrical current/spark from the spark plug burns the liquid gasoline, with the resulting pressure from the resulting gas making the piston move down. The pistons firing in sequence (yes, it has to be in sequence) make the crankshaft complete a revolution (a full rotation). It's this rotating mechanism that powers the transmission, which literally transmits rotational power the drive shaft, making the wheels turn.

However, there is one thing we have not mentioned yet, without which the motor will not even start. The car battery. This is a rechargeable battery that powers the electrical systems in the car, whether it's the headlights or the spark plugs. Now, this is by no means an exhaustive explanation of how a vehicle machine works. We just want to help you get to know your car a bit better. Just like the outside of your car, you need to take care of the inside as well. We'll take care of the outside, so you have time to get to know the inside.
Nissan Hardbody Parts


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