Saturday, April 2, 2016

5:34 PM
VW Hayward - Some statistics have proved that teens aged from 15 to 19 are most prone to accidents. The main reason for it is most desperation because teenagers these days have no respect for traffic rules and regulations. Yes, sure some accidents are shunless, but there are also some that can be avoided if the driver is a bit more careful. It goes without saying that it is crucial for any driver to be responsible behind the wheel. Remember, when you are driving, your whole attention should be into it. It's easy to get distracted by what is happening inside the car, but you should be responsible towards the task at hand. Vehicle's aren't the place for multi-tasking, so you should refrain from doing things like brushing your teeth or combing your hair (yes people actually do these things) in the car. Total concentration is of utmost importance.

This is one of the most frequent mistakes people make while driving. Whether you have hands free model or not you will be confused. The best thing that you can do turn off the cell phone, so you don't get the encouragement of answering it every time it rings. Though it's advisable not to listen to music while you are driving the car, nobody actually follows it. But if you are listening to music, make sure that you don't have to change the CDs every now and then. Organize a playlist of your favourite songs and keep it aside for everyday use. Not only there are several hazards at it, but your license can also get revoked and your car impounded if caught. If you have to drink, take public transport or ask a driver to take you home. Also, in several states, if you are caught driving in your vehicle, you could end up in jail and would have to pay a high fine.

Change the routes which you usually take to school, college or work if there is any design work going on that route. Construction debris can cause tire blowouts which can lead to fatal accidents. Needless to say, we all know that taking a car to high speeds maximises the chances of accidents which is why you should always maintain speed limits mainly in highways where the margin of error is minimum.
VW Hayward


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