Thursday, December 17, 2015

4:11 PM
Barrack Obama Was Respect Bear Grylls - Being president of the United States is a 24/7 job, but Barack Obama says it's actually allowed him to spend more quality time with daughters Sasha and Malia. That's because he "lives above the store" (the store being the White House in this case).

"At a certain point, let's say 6:30 at night, I can go upstairs, I can have dinner with [Sasha and Malia], and if I have to go back to work, I can," Obama explains to survival expert Bear Grylls during a special episode of Running Wild airing Thursday night.
Grylls praised the president for putting "family first" but Obama said the pleasure was all his.

"It's actually my joy, my pleasure, because if I've had a day full of world nonsense, for me to be able to come home and just listen to the girls and let them tell me about their day, it just gives me a whole new perspective and renews me." The trip showed an "intimate" and "fun" side of Mr Obama that is not often seen, said Mr Grylls.
Mr Grylls said Mr Obama lit fires, ate berries and shared his water bottle.
In a clip from the episode, Mr Grylls and Mr Obama cook and eat a wild salmon that a bear had already taken a few bites out of.
Barrack Obama Was Respect Bear Grylls


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