Thursday, December 17, 2015

3:55 PM
Christmas And Home Alone Stories - Macaulay Culkin captured the hearts of cinemagoers in Home Alone, the Hollywood Christmas hit in which he fended off a pair of bungling burglars.
Now 25 years later he appears to have brought the character, Kevin McCallister, back to life – albeit as an adult.
Now in his 30s Kevin stands in for his wife who works as a driver for an on-demand car service, DRYVRS, a company which resembles Uber.
In the show, which has been made for the Internet and has not been sanctioned by the studio behind the original film, Kevin has not forgotten the trauma of being left at home alone.
Rejecting a call from his mother, Culkin’s character recalls a Christmas when – as “the cutest little eight-year-old in the world” – he was deserted by his parents.
“I still have nightmares,” he says as he launches into an expletive riddled monologue about his childhood.
All by yourself, for a week. I had to fend off my house from two psychopath home invaders. I was just a kid, I still have nightmares about this bald weirdo dude chasing me around.”
In the film, Kevin’s mother goes to inordinate lengths to be reunited with her son.
But the adult Kevin paints a rather different picture.
“She didn’t care. She was too busy being a groupie to a polka band. I’ve never even gotten the full story.”
There are other nods to the original film including a scene in which Kevin displays the same ingenuity he did as a child to fend off an attacker – in this case a carjacker.In real life Culkin has found the transition from child star to adult more difficult.
Christmas And Home Alone Stories


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